I always here that link building is the best way to rank high on search engines. I believe that is true but most people tell you to submit your website to directories That is fine and good but look at this directories sometimes have a weird response rate taking as much as a month to get down with your submission and after that you have to wait for Google to index your site.All the time I am doing that I could be posting comments. I am not saying don't submit to directories I am just saying that it is somewhat , how should I say stupid.
So if you really want an effective way to build links I would say submit your article to digg and allow it to get on the front page and you will have like a thousand inbound links.our go find a new blogger
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Create passive income the easiest way!
In this day of age everyone wants create passive income.You are asking why do everyone wants to create passive income. This is simple to create passive income is you making money without actively being involved in your job/business. Network marketing and adsense are example of things that will allow you to create passive income.But Toady I am going to talk about drop shipping the easiest way out there to create passive income. The company I want to talk about today is Salehoo one of the best companies out there as far dropshipping is involved.You can create passive income two ways through Salehoo which are ; the dropshipping aspect and the affiliate part.
With the dropshipping part all you have to do is go to Salehoo's home page sign up for account and have a website developer build your website place the products on it (make sure you use certain websites and Google Adwords for advertising) and optimize site with a couple of hundred pages of p reassemble original content and then you are own your way to making a decent living to create a stream of passive income but be sure o give it time of a least a couple years to create a consistent stream of passive income.
Next, the I have a video to teach you how the affiliate program will create passive income. I could tell but I would rather the experts tell you how Salehoo can create the perfect oppurtunity to create ongoing passive income.
With the dropshipping part all you have to do is go to Salehoo's home page sign up for account and have a website developer build your website place the products on it (make sure you use certain websites and Google Adwords for advertising) and optimize site with a couple of hundred pages of p reassemble original content and then you are own your way to making a decent living to create a stream of passive income but be sure o give it time of a least a couple years to create a consistent stream of passive income.
Next, the I have a video to teach you how the affiliate program will create passive income. I could tell but I would rather the experts tell you how Salehoo can create the perfect oppurtunity to create ongoing passive income.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Improving your Adsense conversions!
Long time since I have posted a topic but today I have a video of a world renown blogger named Chris Prillo he created a video using some else site to tell how you can optimize your adsense to increase your adsense click through rate. So watch the video and tell me your honest opinions of the info.
Monday, December 3, 2007
This will definite take you home based business to the next level
This a video that will show you what to do in a network marketing company in your first 90 days.this is the perfect mlm tool that sky rocket network marketing business to new heights.
90 day challege,
increase income,
make money,
mlm tool,
mlm tools,
network marketing
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Together Stocks Rise, Dividend They Yield!
One of my most favorite subjects in the world is making money passively. Because you just do something one time and it pays on a consistent basis. The epitome of passive income I would say would be income stocks which pays dividends. Income stocks works a little different than your every day growth( which is well known form stocks which appreciate at a constant basis adding more to your net worth) and Then you have income stocks which pay annually,quarterly,or monthly depending on he corporate contract.Growth stocks ,after turning a profit usually reinvest the profit in itself usually buying equipment or things that qualify as assets.While dividend stocks divide profits among shareholders which allow the individual to get a certain amount per share the restricted contract paying period. Income stocks usually appreciate at a slower income but I would say it creates a consistent source of income.Some people well invested in these stocks sometimes take home 6 figure checks because they invested in dividend stocks so long.The strategy I propose today is try to incorporate a few dividend socks in you in your portfolio so you could avoid counting on he stocks o appreciate and make money whatever happens.
4 Methods to immensely increase your Direct Response Succcess.

Direct response marketing probably has been out as long as the postal service has been out.
Years before the internet which are times before 1995. Direct response was probably the most cost effective way of marketing other than telemarketing. Most people these days think Direct Response Marketing is absolutely ineffective now.So I am here to tell you direct response marketing is just as effective as used to be. Just the methodology of doing it has change just like a virus who gets used to a certain antibiotic.So you asking me what I need to do to get it working for e now. I would use some guerrilla marketing tactics of making such as ;
1. Avoid brochures or ANYTHING that looks expensive because when people see a brochure they associate it with selling which is not good idea.
2.Use a basic letter which probably looks like a bill ,and make sure you use tri-folding to insert the letter in the envelop.
3.Just like avoiding brochures make sure your envelope is plain or colorless Just appearing like a bill would with the clear plastic in the front
4.Make sure you have effective sell copy which should have been tested through paper classifieds or internet classified. To see response rate or conversion rate.
These four steps can allow you to pass the threshold of succeeding or failure
Sunday, August 26, 2007
The Network misconception in network marketing.
Usually mlm is not design for people of the antisocial genre.Because mlm or otherwise called network marketing (stressing heavenly on the network aspect) Is about building strong networks of people who also operates networks of people. It is not design to sign up aunt Suzie and somewhat become a millionaire. Mlm is also about having a large networks of people which some individual think if they recruit 20-50 people they wont have to do anything else .To be successful in my opinion I believe it takes thousands people to be successful person in network marketing.so, all in all You concern yourself with poeple who have a large network of people they Know and you should grow networks of people you know
momentum marketing,
network marketing
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is almost like word of mouth marketing ,but slightly different.What makes it different is that, word of mouth is the spreading of information directly from one person to another,while viral marketing happens when another per introduce something that sort advertises itself( example of this would be giving somebody something for free that sort advertises other things like and e-book is a good example of it,because of its hyperlinks.
blog marketing,
momentum marketing,
viral marketing
Friday, August 24, 2007
how to make money on blogging
how can make money through blogging this video is real good and tell me what you think and s this great tutorial or what you think
blog marketing,
network marketing,
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Niche Marketing?
What is a niche you may ask? A niche is something that directly corresponds with something else or basically something that is similar .So niche marketing is finding people who correspond with your interests or corresponds with your product. This may be the key factor why so many people are not successful in what they do. They are probably doing something that doesn't fit themselves or trying to sell things that are unrelated or useless to their customers.For example, selling a air conditioner to an Eskimo or talking about football to a nerd.Some people try to go very broad trying market something instead examining themselves and asking,what or who is related to what i am doing? So basically in niche marketing is to find people who are similar to you or people who have some sort of correlation to what you are selling. This in term will save you a lot of time ,effort and money and once niche marketing is mastered, whatever rut you were in will seemingly disappear. Here is a video to compliment what I was saying
niche marketing,
social marketing,
word of mouth
What is the secret to being rich?
Being rich is something everybody in the world is looking. As a result of this interest everybody shares people, smart people are capitalizing off of it. How you may ask? By giving people want they want a sense prone way of making a lot money. So so the secret of making a lot of money is to give he masses what they want.
information distrubution,
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Traffic ,Trafic!
Traffic is the most important aspect of online marketing ,it is what make good companies and also what break them. The same concept is found in mlm ,Usually the top earners are the people who put the most people in front of an presentation or presentations. So, since my blog concentrates on all aspects of marketing, Marketing basically means getting a product or a service in front of people who want not need that service or product.To summarize tha up advertisement is what marketing is all about and ,to get traffic it has to be put in the visual range of the most people. But on how to do this I would like to recommend a real good book by Seth Godin it is called Permission Marketing. IT gives the whole aspect of how marketing through advertising has evolved from its traditional counterpart.Here is another video on seo
Monday, August 20, 2007
adsense earning potenial
"Adsense Publisher earnings range from less than $1 a day on one website to over $10,000 a day across a network of websites. The reality is that making money with Adsense has very little to do with Adsense and has everything to do with building websites that target and attract a market. Once you've got people, Adsense is made for monetizing them." This is how you make money just from traffic coming to your site
To mlm lead or not mlm lead that is the answer
A lot sites or indiviuals have bad mouth cold calling and have said it is an obsolete way of handling business, to tell the truth cold calling was never really in. There is should be no such thing as cold calling Only warm market prospecting . Getting back to leads ,these should be bought from a legit lead site, You can usually do this by asking around( A good place o ask is a for leads would be a forum) .Later on you will learn that a forum is a great mlm tool to support results. But make sure you get more than one reference. Next, make sure you call those leads asap, begin with a typical greeting and ask them question concerning their position of looking for an alternative way of making extra income. Make sure you stay in control of the conversation(you can do this by asking numerous questions that egocentric). Hopefully you are asking relevant pertaining to the persons life and try not to get too personal. Once the person starts to tell you about there life,that is a sign that yo have became a figure in their warm market . So mlm leads are good , only if the company you get it from is a company that hos people who are in dire need of an oppurtunity and Todd falcone a really documented heavy hitter in the mlm industry ,stated that "90 percent of his business was generated from leads" Meaning leads are networker's best friend". So all in all mlm leads are an prominent tool in mlm recruiting.
cold market,
mlm lead,
mlm tool,
warm market
Mark Yarnell is one of the best in mlm
Mark Yarnell started his mlm career in 1989 with the now multi-billion dollar company Nuskin which he created a downline of nearly 300,000 distributors which spanned over into 21 countries in a matter of 11 years .Winning number humanitarian awards and getting inaugurated in network marketing hall fame .Also started the first college course in network marketing that was accredited with the help of Dr. Charles King in Chicago Illinois in 1993. Wrote Great books like My First Year in Network Marketing which sold millions all over the world and is seen as the standard book in Netwrok Marketing and also he wrote Your Best year in Network marketing whi ch is an up o date version of My First Year in network Marketing in which he talk about new techniques in mlm and shares some light on online marketing. And now coming up with the holy grail netowrk which is his finest pieces of work that summarizes every thing he knows about Network marketing. one of the phrases that stick out in my mind the most is he say's "He can teach a chimp to make a $100,000 a month in network Marketing". So if you are new or old in the game Network I would say You really must read the first two books I mention because I see them as a building foundation for any Network Marketer.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
A button a great mlm tool
I have heard a great tool for mlm prospecting is a button that tells that you are looking for three business partners. This is word of mouth at its best you can recruit and prospect individuals without even opening your mouth. This tool is the simplest tool to have an it inexpensive and you can share with all the members in your downline with a small nominal fee of course to put a little money in your pocket outside of your home based business. I think this idea is better than t-shirts because you can wear the button all the time even at your job. While the t-shirt can fad from being wash and it doesn't have any place a certain social setting like dinning at fine restaurants and uniformly jobs.So take me up and this suggestion and plus you dont have to purchase this from some company you can fin someone who designs buttons ask them to use this suggestion for you.
lead generator,
mlm tool,
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Where is the ceiling?
I am an evangelist for network marketing I know you heard that before .But a lot people ignore that the earning potential in network marketing is limitless well actual limit which is the limit to money in the world so it is possible to earn a billion dollars a month. let me give some insight see we have about 8 billion people in the world and less say you have 10 percent of the population in your downline and in network marketing you have a 75% attrition rate which means that you are going to lose 600 million people so now you have 200 million people in your downline a less say averagely you get $6.00 per person that would be 1.2 billion dollars a month. That is more than any ceo can make in a ten year span in one month. That is something that can boggle he average person mind. So basically if you are a full timer or know someone that is earning 10 grand a month tell them or yourself the top of the ceiling is still far away
mlm marketing,
mlm tool,
momentum marketing
Friday, August 17, 2007
online marketing is in
the internet can supply any network marketer with endless leads and can help anyone experience a big boom i their business something.But even though the internet has endless potential for recruiting yo must still present an interaction between you and your prospect even though he may live on the other side of the world.remember people network marketing is relationship business.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
mlm basic the invitation
whats up guys i am here again .wow this has been exactly week for me , I feel like million bucks but enough of that i am going to get into a into the nitty gritty of network marketing .The reason why so many in network marketing seem to fail or basically don't make ant money is they fail one important aspect the invitation the invitation is the most essential aspect about mlm if this handle the wrong it can be disastrous and stand neutral point. You are saying to yourself how can I master it you can master it in about 7 steps .
1)Be Yourself because most people like people who are not scripted but people who genuinely themselves .So try not to use a script ,just use something that fits the occasion
2)Make sure your breath is fresh and you look like you can be in position to give somebody something(dress professionally and neatly). I cant express this one enough bad breathe will completely destroy your oppurtunity mainly because know one will hear what you say ,they would just smell it and no one wants to listen to a person who looks like they have more money than them so dress professionally
3)Dont down somebody .else opportunity meaning don't something bad about somebody else mlm company .try to express what makes this company different.generally if somebody wanted to hear something about something they would have just watched the news
4)Show a general interest in your prospect meaning never use I me we or your name because like seth godin said "people don't care about you they care about themselves"meaning you should see how can you make this person life better hen what it is.
5) build re pore , re pore is something like a tiny relationship with that person . meaning you want to know a lot about the person and have a mild interest everything they are doing
6)ask questions,because the person who ask the most questions controls the conversation meaning everything they are looking for can be found in a question
7)Make sure you follow up sometimes the first impression isnt always the first contact meaning sometimes i takes more than one time meeting to mean something to a person
1)Be Yourself because most people like people who are not scripted but people who genuinely themselves .So try not to use a script ,just use something that fits the occasion
2)Make sure your breath is fresh and you look like you can be in position to give somebody something(dress professionally and neatly). I cant express this one enough bad breathe will completely destroy your oppurtunity mainly because know one will hear what you say ,they would just smell it and no one wants to listen to a person who looks like they have more money than them so dress professionally
3)Dont down somebody .else opportunity meaning don't something bad about somebody else mlm company .try to express what makes this company different.generally if somebody wanted to hear something about something they would have just watched the news
4)Show a general interest in your prospect meaning never use I me we or your name because like seth godin said "people don't care about you they care about themselves"meaning you should see how can you make this person life better hen what it is.
5) build re pore , re pore is something like a tiny relationship with that person . meaning you want to know a lot about the person and have a mild interest everything they are doing
6)ask questions,because the person who ask the most questions controls the conversation meaning everything they are looking for can be found in a question
7)Make sure you follow up sometimes the first impression isnt always the first contact meaning sometimes i takes more than one time meeting to mean something to a person
mlm basic,
steps for assure freedom
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Net work marketing is not a hoax
Something hat seemed to be so fabricated as people are seemingly make 100k a month .To the average joe this seems almost impossible .Why is that probably because almost no job pays that unless you are corporate executive a a big corporation. I was sort of skeptical at first until I might A guy name Robert Dean a triple diamond black pearl at my company and i seen his check i was on a mission like him. But like a lot of people out there I am not a big guru I am average joe trying o make it work for me. That is why i put this blog together to help the average joe smoe rich his or her unlimited potential. How you might ask not giving u my knowledge but give interpretations of the biggest hitters in mlm
allen johnson,
network marketing,
robert dean
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